Focus Newsletter Spring 2021

Spring 2021
Volume 31, Issue 3
Featured Article

Centering Community Healing from a Warrior’s Path Task Force Lens
Kristina C. Mendez and Zeynep Demir
Issue Contents
From the Editor’s Desk by Carissa Dwiwardani
Student Editor’s Column by shola shodiya-zeumault
Past President’s Column by Art Blume
President-Elect’s Column: Fighting Racism with Cross-Racial/Ethnic Solidarity by Kevin Cokley
Centering Community Healing from a Warrior’s Path Task Force Lens by Kristina C. Mendez and Zeynep Demir
Vision of Division 45 APA Council Representative by Gordon C. Nagayama Hall
Graduate Student Representative’s Column by Keoshia Harris
Spring 2021 Celebration of Students by Linda E. Guzman and Terrill O. Taylor, Campus Representative Student Leaders
Special Interview with Accomplished Psychologist, Dr. Joseph E. Trimble by Natalie Davis, (Reprinted with permission from The Peace Psychologist Spring 2021, Volume 30, Issue 1, pp. 12-14)