Report of Chair of the Council of Past Presidents
Jeffery Scott Mio

Since we did not have a face-to-face APA Convention this year, we were not able to hold our “Meet the Past Presidents” program in our hospitality suite. That was the main item on which I was working, although since the APA Convention, I have been working on a couple of other items. I have been involved with helping to organize the virtual business meeting and awards ceremony held in October. Most of this work was done by Wendy Peters and Julii Greene, but I made a few suggestions. I also was a member of the Antiracism Committee and contributed to a document in response to our members’ requests on the listserv. This is my final report as the Chair of the Council of Past Presidents, as Patricia Arredondo will be taking over for me at the beginning of the year.
Focus Fall 2020
- Editor’s Column
- Graduate Student Representative’s Column
- Healing the Wounds of Racial Trauma
- Introducing Division 45 Fellows
- Past President’s Column
- President’s Column
- Radical Healing during COVID-19 and Racism Crises
- Report of Chair of the Council of Past Presidents
- Report of Division 45 Antiracism Committee