Report of Chair of the Council of Past Presidents
Jeffery Scott Mio
President Art Blume asked at the Midwinter Meeting how the presidential rotation was established and why it had not been codified into the by-laws. I had put this question out to the past presidents. While we do not know why this was not placed into the by-laws, Division 45 began with co-presidents Steve Olmedo and Chalsa Loo. The following year, APA said that we could not have co-presidents, so the people on the Executive Committee simply decided to establish an ethnic rotation, which we have been following ever since. Thus, the rotation is in existence by tradition as opposed to by rule.
The second item on which I have worked is that I have requested from Wendy Peters and Julii Green, the convention co-chairs, an hour for a “Meet the Past Presidents” session in the Division 45 hospitality suite for this year’s APA Convention. As you know, the APA Convention is going virtual this year due to the COVID-19 problems, so we will not have a Meet the Past Presidents session, at least not in person.
Finally, we set up a process for selection for the next Chair of the Council of Past Presidents. Patricia Arredondo agreed to succeed me as Chair for the next three years, beginning in January 2021, and other past presidents agreed. Thank you, Patricia!
Focus Spring 2020
- A Message to Graduating Students
- Division 45 Task Force on Covid-19 Anti-Asian Discrimination and Xenophobia
- From the Editor’s Desk
- Graduate Student Representative Column
- I Can’t Breathe: Resuscitating Black America
- In Memory of Jean Lau Chin, Ed.D.: A Champion for Diversity, Inclusiveness, and Social Justice
- President-Elect Column: Disease Threat, Racism, and Immigration
- President’s Column
- Report of Chair of the Council of Past Presidents