C.R.E.A.T.E. Project
The Culture, Race, Ethnicity, Accessible Treatment Repository for Evidence Based Practice (C.R.E.A.T.E) Project was developed to help clinicians and researchers have readily accessible information about culturally adapted, informed, and modified treatments for Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC).
Goals of this project include to help with the dissemination of information about effective and efficacious treatments/interventions that focus on the needs of BIPOC persons, and encourage the use and research of interventions and treatment modalities that are high-quality, culturally syntonic and vetted by experts in the psychological study and clinical practice of culture, race and ethnicity.
Dr. Jessica Jackson conceived the idea to develop a repository of culturally adapted, modified, and informed interventions for BIPOC persons as part of her Leadership Development Institute application. Dr. Jamey Leeanne Rislin became involved once APA’s Division 45 executive board approved the project. Drs. Jackson and Rislin continue to shape the project to ensure that it meets the needs of clinicians and researchers with a desire to help ensure that BIPOC persons and their providers have access to high quality treatment interventions.
What does the acronym C.R.E.A.T.E. mean?
The Culture, Race, Ethnicity, Accessible Treatment Repository for Evidence Based Practice
What is the C.R.E.A.T.E. Project?
The C.R.E.A.T.E. Project was developed to help clinicians and researchers have readily accessible information about culturally adapted, informed and modified treatments for Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC). One goal of this project is to help with the dissemination of information about effective and efficacious treatments/interventions that focus on the needs of BIPOC persons. An additional goal of this project is to encourage the use and research of interventions and treatment modalities that are high-quality, culturally syntonic and vetted by experts in the psychological study and clinical practice of culture, race and ethnicity.