Published by Division 45 on

The APA CNPAAEMI Leadership Development Institute

The APA Council of National Psychological Associations for the Advancement of Ethnic Minority Interests (CNPAAEMI) in collaboration with the Society of Counseling Psychology sponsors a yearlong, interorganizational Leadership Development Institute (LDI). The LDI is a yearlong training process designed to foster the leadership skills and social networks critical to one’s effectiveness as a leader. Each year, one Leadership Fellow is selected from each participating CNPAAEMI. To begin their training, Fellows meet for a leadership retreat, facilitated by the LDI Executive Committee and Fellows’ mentors. Following the retreat, each Fellow works with a mentor from their sponsoring organization and is also exposed to mentors from the other CNPAAEMI organizations to broaden their understanding of multiple organizational and leadership perspectives LDI. In addition, Fellows will undergo a Presidential Residency with the president of their respective home association to assist and shadow their president as she or he undertakes their presidential duties as well as to lead a presidential project or initiative for the association. Fellows participate in topic-specific and informal discussions throughout the year that are facilitated by different mentors on issues such as negotiating institutional/political systems, self care as a person of color, and developing a leadership niche in the field. During their time in the LDI,  Fellows develop and implement a leadership project – as a cohort – that will benefit their respective associations.

For more information, visit the CNPAAEMI  website https://www.cnpaaemildi.org/home.html