Kenneth B. Clark
Remembering Our Past: Kenneth B. Clark
Guest Book – Kenneth B. Clark
Desegregation pioneer Kenneth B. Clark dead at 90
The Life & Work of Kenneth E. Clark, PhD
Publications of Kenneth B. Clark
The Effects of Segregation and the Consequences of Desegregation A (September 1952) Social Science Statement in the Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka Supreme Court Case. Clark, Kenneth B.; Chein, Isidor; Cook, Stuart W.; American Psychologist, Vol 59(6), Sep 2004. pp. 495-501.
A community action program. Clark, Kenneth B.; In: Prevention, powerlessness, and politics: Readings on social change. Albee, George W.; Joffe, Justin M.; Dusenbury, Linda A.; Thousand Oaks, CA, US: Sage Publications, Inc, 1988. pp. 461-470.
A possible reality: A design for the attainment of high academic achievement for inner-city students. Clark, Kenneth B.; Oxford, England: Emerson Hall, 1972. 176 pp.
American psychology’s social agenda: The issue of race. Klineberg, Otto; Clark, Kenneth B.; Clark, Mamie P.; In: A history of psychology: Original sources and contemporary research (2nd ed.). Benjamin, Ludy T. Jr.; New York, NY, England: Mcgraw-Hill Book Company, 1997. pp. 607-645. [Reprinted Chapter]
Color, class, personality and juvenile delinquency. Clark, Kenneth B.; Journal of Negro Education, 28, 1959. pp. 240-251.
Desegregation: An appraisal of the evidence. Clark, Kenneth B.; Journal of Social Issues, 9(4), 1953. pp. 2-76.
Desegregation: its implications for orthopsychiatry. Clark, Kenneth B.; American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 26, 1956. pp. 445-470.
Emotional factors in racial identification and preference in Negro children. Clark, Kenneth B.; Clark, Mamie P.; Journal of Negro Education, 19, 1950. pp. 341-350
Empathy: A neglected topic in psychological research. Clark, Kenneth B.; American Psychologist, Vol 35(2), Feb 1980. pp. 187-190.
Implications of Adlerian theory for an understanding of civil rights problems and action. Clark, Kenneth B.; Journal of Individual Psychology, 23(2), 1967. pp. 181-190.
Infecting our children with hostility. Clark, Kenneth B.; In: Improving children’s lives: Global perspectives on prevention. Albee, George W.; Bond, Lynne A.; Monsey, Toni V. Cook; Thousand Oaks, CA, US: Sage Publications, Inc, 1992. pp. 330-333. [Original Chapter]
Innovative approaches to urban problems. Cook, Stuart W.; Naftalin, Arthur; Clark, Kenneth B.; In: Psychology and the problems of society. Korten, Frances F.; Cook, Stuart W.; Lacey, John I.; Washington, DC, US: American Psychological Association, 1970. pp. 107-139. [Original Chapter]
Jews in contemporary America. Clark, Kenneth B.; Jewish Social Services Quarterly, 31(1), 1954. pp. 12-22.
Pathos of power. Clark, Kenneth B.; Oxford, England: Harper & Row, 1974. xviii, 188 pp.
Prejudice and your child. Clark, Kenneth B.; Oxford, England: Beacon Press, 1955. 151 pp.
Problems of social power and social change: A relevant social psychology. Clark, Kenneth B.; Journal of Social Issues, 21(3), 1965. pp. 4-20.
Race Prejudice and children. Clark, Kenneth B.; Child, 17, 1953. pp. 113-115; 117
Social conflict and problems of mental health. Clark, Kenneth B.; Journal of Religion & Health, 8(3), 1969. pp. 217-225.
Social science and social tensions. Clark, Kenneth B.; Mental Hygiene. New York, 32, 1948. pp. 15-26.
Some principles related to the problem of desegregation. Clark, Kenneth B.; Journal of Negro Education, 23, 1954. pp. 339-347.
The importance of cultural evaluation in psychiatric diagnosis and treatment. Chess, Stella; Clark, Kenneth B.; Thomas, Alexander; Psychiatric Quarterly, 27, 1953. pp. 102-114
The most valuable hidden resource. Clark, Kenneth B.; College Board Review, No. 29, 1956. pp. 23-26.
The pathos of power: A psychological perspective. Clark, Kenneth B.; American Psychologist, Vol. 26(12), Dec 1971. pp. 1047-1057.
The role of social scientists 25 years after Brown. Clark, Kenneth B.; Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, Vol 5(4), Oct 1979. pp. 477-481.