Division 45 Presidential Initiatives

Esteban Olmedo
Term: 1986-1987
Defined and developed organizational characteristics, structure and functions of the new division.

Chalso Loo & John Moritsugu
Term: 1987–1988
Established divisional infrastructure and regularities.

Dalmas Taylor
Term: 1988–1989
Initiated membership drive to increase division membership.

Teresa LaFromboise
Term: 1990–1991
Appointed a Task Force on Gay, Lesbian & Bisexual Concerns and a Task Force on Women.

Amado Padilla
Term: 1991–1993
Established a Publications Committee to plan for an official division journal.

Vera Paster
Term: 1993–1994
Founded the mentorship program, Links & Shoulders

Gordon “Gordy” Nagayama Hall
Term: 1994–1995
Implemented a strategic plan to increase membership, add an APA COR seat, elect an ethnic minority president of APA, and establish an official division journal.

Charles Pine
Term: 1995–1996
Instituted culturally-based Division 45 traditions and rituals.

Guillermo Bernal
Term: 1996–1997
Oversaw launching of official division journal, Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology.

Lisa Porche-Burke
Term: 1997–1998
Sponsored scholarly discussion on Ebonics.

Derald Wing Sue
Term: 1998–1999
Initiatives on multicultural competencies and dissemination of ethnic minority scholarship, Inaugural National Multicultural Conference & Summit.

Joseph Trimble
Term: 1999–2000
Introduced Talking Stick ceremony, student involvement in division governance, division recognition of outstanding student poster presentations, Division 45 website, initiated a royalty procedure where book authors and editors contribute a percent of their royalties to the division.

Patricia Arrendondo
Term: 2000–2001
Collaborated with several APA divisions on multicultural and diversity initiatives, introduced spiritual Mestizo ceremony during division business meetings.

A.J. Franklin
Term: 2001–2002
Attended United Nations World Conference and advocated on behalf of Division 45 against racism in Durham, South Africa at the United Nations World Conference.

Jeffery Mio
Term: 2002–2003
Built bridges with allies, using a broader definition of diversity

Steven James
Term: 2003–2004
Brought attention to people of mixed races and their families, and to historical abuse of people of color.

Eduardo Morales
Term: 2004–2005
Developed proposal for a conference on evidence-based interventions and developed five-year (2005-10) strategic plan for Division 45.

Toy Caldwell-Colbert
Term: 2005–2006
Organized a national conference on immigration, in collaboration with Division 35. Celebration of Division 45’s twentieth anniversary.

Frederick Leong
Term: 2006–2007
Launched Division 45 Book Series, established Task Force for Scientific Affairs, Presidential Citations for leading psychological scientists from Division 45.

Beth Boyd
Term: 2007–2008
Established Council of Past Presidents.

J. Manuel Casas
Term: 2008-2009
Advocated for greater attention to immigration and children.

Robert M. Sellers
Term: 2009–2010
Initiated inaugural Division 45 Research Conference.

Jean Lau Chin
Term: 2010–2011
Diversity and Leadership Initiative to promote Division 45 leadership. Celebration of Division 45’s Twenty-fifth Anniversary and logo pin for induction of past-presidents.

Justin “Doug” McDonald
Term: 2011–2012
“Putting Diversity into Leadership Action.” Established a Governance Committee to promote diversity in APA governance. Revived previous efforts to re-name the division because of U.S. demographic changes,
and oversaw process till completion.
It is as this time that Division 45 Presidential terms shifted from an August-July period, to a calendar year.

Luis A. Vazquez
Development of a Division 45 online repository of diversity literature in psychology. Promoting the contributions of psychology and diversity to the STEM fields. Sustaining the division’s commitment to
the pipeline of psychologists at all levels.

William E. Cross, Jr.
Expanded the Executive Committee to incorporate two new voting members: A person of color representing LGBTQ Community and a person representing Arab-Americans. Saw the revamping of the D45 website.

Stanley Sue
Examined what works in research, theory, and practice; how far we have advanced in truly integrating culture, ethnicity and race into psychology and society; and the impact of research and practice on social justice, racism, and privilege. Enact policies and procedures to increase the Division’s efficiency, transparency, and financial sustainability.

Jackie Gray
Raising the awareness of the contributions of ethnic minorities to the field of psychology. Led presentations on indigenous contributions to Maslow’s, Jung’s, Erickson’s, and Sherif and Sherif’s work that had never been acknowledged. We were also able to increase the number of Native American fellows in APA by 50%. One of the most long lasting contributions was the establishment of the TIAA investment fund so the division was able to earn interest and more financially stable than when I came into office.
We also established the Division 45 Biennial Research Conference as a part of Division 45.

Enedina Vazquez

Helen Neville

Alvin Alvarez

Art Blume

Evie Garcia

Kevin Cokley

Helen H. Hsu

Royleen Ross, PhD
Current President